Friday, November 18, 2005 by Ben Leong @ 8:04 PM.
Do you feel persistently sad or “empty” mood? Do you have the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness? Have you lost your interest in hobbies and activities? Have you lost your appetite, experience early-morning awakening or oversleeping? Has your energy decreased tremendously? Do you have thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts? Have you exhibit these symptoms lately? If you are, then you might have signs of traces of Depression.
Some people might think depression is something that can be cured easily. Well, in most cases it is curable through medication and counseling until he/she is freed from it, but there are some other cases where treatments can be done to a certain extent, the rest is up to individual’s will power to minimize the chances of creeping out again. In other words, these individuals pertains deep depression level which has been developed for some time without them knowing it. This is the ultimate key point. It is an internal “stress state”; a “silent killer”. Worst case it could bring fatality. It is that serious.
A friend of mine discovered this problem when he was 4 years old, until it hit the worst level about 3 years ago, then found out that his depression level had grown so deeply that he nearly committed suicide, and during his recovering period he had a hard time trying to fight against it. But I’m glad that he had fought a real tough battle and stand above it. I wouldn’t say he has 100 percent freed from it, but at least he knows how to prepare himself when it starts creeping over him again.
That is why Singapore government is aware of this internal illness that has been developed among the society, the health ministry board started a campaign called Treat Depression Early to bring awareness to residents and start taking actions against it. Right now they are inviting people who are recovering from it to share their own stories, in order to reach out and to encourage those who are experiencing these signs and symptoms.
Don’t hesitate to seek help before it’s too late.