Simple Life

Life journey of an introvert

Some of you may know that I love to cook. When I was young, I started to develop this interest of cooking. I used to hang up in the kitchen, standing beside my grandma while she's cooking. I guess she started noticing that I'm very keen on learning how to cook delicious food, so she kept asking me to help her out in the kitchen. From preparing ingredients until 'making noises' on the wok, my interest started gaining swiftly. From then on, I knew that cooking will be part of my life.

Recently, I realised that this interest has started fading away. Why??

I don't know. Maybe because I'm tired of cooking my own meal (I cook almost everyday during my one year stay in Australia). It's just so bored to prepare all the ingredients, do the cooking and washing. Or maybe I don't have much friends who are into culinary (my best buddy knows how to eat only), so I'm not able to share my interest as well as to improve my skills.

As I recalled what Michael Card said, 'Music comes from relationships'. It is because of human relationships that develops the music into a greater meaning. There may be plenty of talented musicians out there, but developing a friendship through music makes each other a better friend. Don't you think so?

I believe this goes the same with cooking. I'm not refering to the fellowship among the chefs, but rather a gathering of friends who are interested in food would be sufficient in developing friendships. As for me, I love to invite people to come and taste my cooking skills. Not only that, I love to enjoy the fellowship of the meal, having a great time of eating, drinking, chatting, laughing and etc. Isn't that draws a greater meaning in friendship? It's all about sharing the same interest (Food) isn't it?

Now, I'm not sure what I'm talking about. But anyhow, it's just a random thought.

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