Simple Life

Life journey of an introvert

Straight or Cross

Adam chose to drive along an easy, long straight road to reach the destination. He knew that no other roads can be easier than this. By just driving straight all the way it will save time, petrol and energy. It is also the safest bet as there are no cross roads that he will be coming across, so no worries at all. Even if there is a cross road ahead, he knows that going straight should lead him to the destination. With his wonderful and flawless plan, he might be the first person to reach the destination.

Brandon chose to drive along a difficult path, full of cross roads and junctions. He knew that he will experience many obstacles along the way. To him, there are other concerns which are more important than saving time and energy. He knew that by taking this road, his chances of getting lost is high, but neither is he getting worried nor afraid. This journey challenges him in many ways, and he knew that it would help him to become a wiser person and a better decision maker. He knows he might reach the destination much later than Adam, but he is sure that this journey experience would definitely be a memorable one to him.

In life, there are people who choose to live their life like Adam. They always plan and decide on their 'desired' choices, making sure that everything goes through smoothly. They think there is no need for a plan B as the plan is perfect and flawless. Therefore success should always be around the corner. A life of "No worries, no problem."

There are also people who prefers to live their life like Brandon. They understand there is a core purpose in their life journey. And because they understand the purpose, they are able to set their priorities right. They know that not everything in life will go through smoothly and successfully. Obstacles cannot be avoided, challenges keep coming towards them, unexpected things beyond our control can be happen. Despite all these, there is someone whom they can cling on, trust Him that all these things can be overcome, and that stories are created so that they can understand and tell these stories to listeners who are interested. A life of embracing uncertainty and excitement. A life full of wonderful memories and precious stories.

Which road would you like to choose?

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