Simple Life

Life journey of an introvert

Had a nice catching-up cum dinner with Emmy and Sunflower just now. Whilst at the dinner table, suddenly Sunflower popped up this question which is the title of this post.

I told her that the main reason is I don’t have anything special to write. To me blogging is not about jotting down daily “news”, for example today had a team meeting and boss have some development plans for my team, or while on the way to work I saw an accident happened just across the traffic junction.. I always thought blogging is something about having some thoughts or reflection on certain things which I think is interesting. It must start with an inspiration that somehow strike in the mind to do so. Otherwise, writing daily news on my blog makes me think it’s a boring one. Soon after I’ve said this, Sunflower replied back to me and said, “then you are saying that my blog is boring lah.” Opps.. *grin*

Another reason is my blogging mood. Whenever I thought of something interesting to write, my mood switches on in a nick of time. And that means I better type it or write it down somewhere fast (within a couple of hours) preferably on a computer. Otherwise I can just forget about it totally! I just can’t figure out why. Maybe I have short term memory; maybe my mood has a short time limitation. So it really depends on the blogging mood. If it switches off, even if I can still remember what I need to write, I will still be struggling hard to write it down.

Another one would be writing my thoughts into words. I have a big problem in this. I’m like those types of people who just cannot transfer my well-arranged thoughts from my brain into a blank document well. So sometimes you might notice a lot of my posts are very long and winded, but in the end you may not understand what I’m trying to say. My thoughts are long. I don’t like to write 3-4 sentences post. I want to write a very “canggih” post, but at times readers cannot understand my posts, which I felt a bit ashamed.

For sunflower, I believe blogging to her is like a hobby, a habit. To me she’s a “blog addict”. She can just think of something interesting which could be just happened just a few minutes ago, write it down nicely and post it up. I don’t think blogging has become my hobby yet. I would like to nurture it.

Anyone kind enough to lend me a hand?

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