Simple Life

Life journey of an introvert

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Happy Labour Day to those who worked today (that's me), or enjoying the public holiday.

Just came back from a well deserved leave from Seremban. Had a good rest and relaxation in a small, slow, quiet town. Spending a lot of good times with my godmother, my godkids (dogs), my best buddies, new buddies... and of course chatting, sleeping, eating, cooking, shopping and etc. I really enjoyed myself there even though I didn't do much there (that's exactly what i'm longing for).

Wonder when will be my next trip to Seremban again?

Still not sure whether I could make it for the Cameron Highlands trip in June...

Looking forward to my cousin's wedding on the 19th June, and I've been designated to perform two duties.

World cup 2006 is coming soon! Woohoo!!

Had KFC for dinner just now.

This month is a "decision-making" month for me. Several important decisions are to be made by this month. Decisions that are concering my future, my life direction, my desire desired by God.

Lord, may You grant me the desires of my heart. Here I am waiting for You. Use me and I shall obey; send me and I will go. Amen.

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